
Mobile First Indexing - App Deep Linking and QR Codes for Amazon, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketers

Action Required: Your search rankings could fall dramatically

Google’s mobile first index is an imminent change in the way Google organizes content. Today, Google looks at the desktop version of your site and then uses that information to rank the content of your mobile site. Once the mobile first index is implemented, the opposite will happen and Google will look at your mobile site and rank your desktop site accordingly.  No official release date has been announced but Google has said late 2017 or early 2018.

Mobile First Index Services

If you currently enjoy strong organic search rankings for your brand, products or services, Google mobile first algorithm update could severely impact your visibility to consumers. Your mobile first rankings will depend on the way your mobile site is designed and structured as well as the mobile friendliness of your site.

At Pure Oxygen Labs, we have developed unique proprietary technology that can help identify problem areas the will present themselves when the mobile first index is released.  Combined with our deep domain experience, we provide you with a mobile first roadmap to optimize your site. We analyze every area that can impact your rankings and visibility including:

  • Content structure and visibility:  How can you make the content experience more consistent on mobile vs. desktop?
  • Mobile page speed: Mobile page speed is now a key factor in how Google ranks your content. Our page speed audit capabilities provide you with specific actions to increase page load times.
  • Internal linking and site structure: If internal linking on your mobile site is vastly different compared to your desktop site this could decrease your rankings.
  • Structured data analysis: Is all of you structured data synchronized on your mobile or desktop site? If not this could be affecting your rankings.
  • Interstitial strategies:  Is your lead generation and interstitial design Google compliant? We’ll recommend how you can become Google compliant while also taking your mobile apps into consideration.

Online Retailers are at Significant Competitive Disadvantage

Deep linking to the Amazon Shopping Mobile App.Retailers competing with Amazon could be at significant risk of decreased visibility. Amazon has the depth of resources to tackle their mobile first strategy far in advance of Google’s release date. Retailers trying to maintain or improve their organic search rankings on mobile in advance of the holidays must be prepared for a mobile first index or stand to lose significant revenue.

We can tell you what to fix immediately to help maintain your rankings when Google rolls out the new index as well as long-term strategic changes to your site. Using a holistic methodology that is aligned with today’s consumer journey, we take into consideration your desktop site, mobile website and your mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Don’t be last in a mobile first world.

We can help you your for this important Google search milestone. From mobile first audits and guidance to on-going mobile seo optimization for you or your agency team, we can tailor a technology and services package that is right for your business and your budget.
