Video marketing has seen explosive growth in the last five years. Consumers have grown accustomed to watching short videos to understand companies, products and services before making purchase decisions. Facebook videos in particular are becoming more important for companies, brands and agencies as consumers increasingly spend more time on the popular social network.
Promoting the video section of your Facebook profile can be challenging especially trying to reach targeted audiences. This is especially true if you are just getting started with videos in Facebook and your customers and prospects are not accustomed to visiting that section of your profile.
Driving traffic to your brand’s main profile page may not always result in a video views. So the question becomes, how can you efficiently send traffic to your Facebook videos tab while minimizing clicks?
The answer is to link directly to videos section of your Facebook profile. Using a browser, when you navigate to the videos tab within your Facebook profile, notice the link in the address bar of your browser. It will look similar to this example:
Clicking on specific event will present you with a different link format. Here’s an example:
The challenge in promoting typical links to the video section or specific videos within your Facebook profile is that they cannot always open the Facebook mobile app. Depending on the platform or device, the user will often be taken to the Facebook mobile website. In order to like the video or your profile or to make a comment, the user would need to login. Most people abandon in these mobile moments because the Facebook mobile app is typically already installed where the user is persistently logged in. As a result, promoting the link to your Facebook videos might generate a lot of clicks but not as many views, likes or comments.
Deep linking to video section of Facebook profiles.
Deep linking to video section of Facebook profiles.
Solutions like URLgenius let marketers update links to the videos section of Facebook profiles so the links can detect and open the Facebook mobile app directly to that particular video in the profile. URLgenius links to videos in Facebook can be promoted from any channel and will consistently open the Facebook app on iOS and Android. Visitors will only be sent to the Facebook mobile website when the Facebook app is not installed on the device. Here is an example of an updated link. Try it from your mobile device to see the difference in behavior:
Another benefit of app deep linking platforms like URLgenius is reporting. Before or after you compose your deep link to videos with in your Facebook profile, you can append any campaign tracking parameters for web or channel analytics solutions including Google Analytics. In addition, if your email platform dynamically appends UTM campaign parameters, platforms like URLgenius will maintain them upon click through.
App deep linking dashboards like URLgenius also provide you with at-a-glance reporting for clicks, Facebook app opens on iOS and Android, referring URL and geography. Here is an example chart for daily clicks:
This next chart shows app opens on iOS and Android:
Marketers may also want to know what state and referring URL is driving the most event interest:
When you compose a URLgenius link, you also create a QR code that will be available on the settings page. Use the QR code to link to the videos section of your Facebook profile from printed and other offline materials. URLgenius also lets you create a QR code or direct link to Facebook reviews, groups and events.
Don’t forget to update the link to your main Facebook profile page as well as links to any other sections that you want to promote more directly including groups, events and reviews.
Login and make sure to update all your Facebook links for higher conversion and audience engagement!