January 11, 2020

How to Generate a Deep Link to Facebook Reviews

Deep Linking to Reviews in FacebookReviews have become increasingly important for all types of businesses. While consumers have grown accustomed to checking reviews before trying a product, business or service, companies in turn now rely on reviews to help drive new business. Facebook reviews in particular are becoming more important as consumers spend more time on the popular social network.

Promoting the review section of your Facebook profile can be challenging especially when trying to reach targeted audiences. This is especially true if you are just getting started with Facebook reviews and your customers and prospects are not accustomed to visiting that section of your profile.

In addition, marketers often want to encourage customers to post a review on Facebook after making a purchase or after using your services. Driving traffic to the main profile page may not always result in a review. So the question becomes, how can you efficiently send traffic to your Facebook reviews tab while minimizing clicks?

The answer is to directly link to the Facebook reviews on your profile. Using a browser, when you navigate to your reviews section in Facebook, notice the link in the address bar of your browser. It will look similar to this example:

The challenge in promoting a typical Facebook reviews link is that it cannot always open the Facebook mobile app. Depending on the platform or device, the user will often be taken to the Facebook mobile website. In order to like your profile or like the review or make a comment, the user would need to login. Most people abandon in these mobile moments because the Facebook mobile app is typically already installed where the user is persistently logged in. As a result, promoting the link to your Facebook reviews might generate a lot of clicks but not very many reviews, likes or comments.

Deep linking to the reviews section in Facebook mobile app:

Deep Linking to Reviews Section in Facebook Profile in App vs. WebDeep linking to the reviews section in Facebook mobile app:

Solutions like URLgenius let marketers update links to Facebook reviews so they can detect and open the Facebook mobile app directly to that particular section in the profile. URLgenius links for Facebook reviews can be promoted from any channel and will consistently open the Facebook app on iOS and Android. Visitors will only be sent to the Facebook mobile website when the Facebook app is not installed on the device. Here is an example of an updated link. Try it from your mobile device to see the difference in behavior:

Another benefit of app deep linking platforms like URLgenius is reporting. Before or after you compose your event deep link, you can append any campaign tracking parameters for web or channel analytics solutions including Google Analytics. In addition, if your email platform dynamically appends UTM campaign parameters, platforms like URLgenius will maintain them upon click through.

App deep linking dashboards like URLgenius provide you with at-a-glance reporting for clicks, Facebook app opens on iOS and Android, referring URL and geography. Here is an example chart for daily clicks:

Deep Linking to Reviews in the Facebook Mobile App

This next chart shows app opens on iOS and Android:

Deep Linking to Reviews in the Facebook Mobile App

Marketers may also want to know what state and referring URL is driving the most event interest:

Deep Linking to the Reviews Tab in the Facebook Mobile App

When you compose a URLgenius link, you also instantly create a QR code that will be available on the settings page. Use the QR code to link to the reviews section of your Facebook profile from printed and other offline materials. URLgenius also lets you create QR codes that link directly to the Facebook tab for videos, groups and events.

Remember to update the link to your main Facebook profile page as well as links to any other sections that you want to promote more directly including eventsvideos and photos.

Login and make sure to update all your Facebook links for higher conversion and audience engagement!

See these “how-to” articles for more deep linking and QR code best practices:

How to Create a QR Code that Deep Links to Your Mobile App

How to Deep Link into Instagram TV Videos

How to Make Deep Link QR codes into Products in the Amazon App

How to Create YouTube Video QR Codes and Deep Links into the App

How to Make Deep Links and QR Codes for Facebook Pages

How to Make Deep Links and QR codes into Snapchat to Grow Followers

How to Create Deep Links and QR Codes into Twitter to Grow Engagement

How to Make Deep Links and QR Codes for Facebook Messenger

Deep Links and QR Codes for Telegram Usernames and Channels

How to Generate Deep Links and QR Codes for Spotify Music

Top 10 App Deep Linking and QR Code URL Schemes for Marketers


  1. Hi can someone please contact me re setting up a FaceBook page review link that opens up to the review page in the FB app.

  2. Interested as well to know how to open the review page in the app

  3. kieran

    This doesn’t work, When you click to the link, yes, it opens the app to the business page, but does not open the review tab automatically.

    • Scott Allan

      Hi Kieran – Sounds like the link may not have been created correctly – we are happy to take a look at the link. Review pages can be tricky especially on iOS. Send us a note at Thanks!

  4. toph

    Doesn’t work for facebook reviews on mobile app

    • Scott Allan

      This use case is not working at the moment as the FB app changed in a way that broke this use case

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