September 23, 2015

Deep Linking Tip #7: Promoting Social Pages

One of the easiest ways for marketers to get started with mobile deep linking is to promote your brand’s social marketing pages using intelligent links that will check for the social app on the user’s device. The mobile apps for social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are already prepared for deep linking – so take advantage of it!

Promote branded social pages via deep linking to mobile social apps vs. mobile webIntelligent deep links from URLgenius will check to see if the social app is installed on the user’s mobile device which will overcome the login hurdle found on the mobile web. Why send potential Facebook or Twitter followers to the mobile websites for each when most people have these mobile apps installed on their device?

If the social app is found, it can be opened automatically and proceed to your branded social page within the app. The link could also give the user a choice (app or mobile web) and the preference can be saved to streamline future engagement with that user.

By doing this, you can learn what percentage of your audience has the mobile social app installed for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. Our research shows that up to 75% of mobile social users have the app installed on their device. This knowledge can help inform future retargeting efforts and channel marketing focus.

Once you start using intelligent links from URLgenius, your marketing instincts will take over and you’ll want to test all kinds of theories by marketing channel and content to gain a deeper understanding of your customers and prospects and how they engage on mobile. REI gained a range of insights by deep linking to their app from multiple channels.

Need help getting started? Contact us – there’s still time to implement deep linking strategies before the holiday season!

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