
Mobilize Blog Archives - App Deep Linking and QR Codes for Amazon, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketers

The Pure Oxygen Mobilize Blog :: Tips for Optimizing Mobile Search, Social, App, and QR Marketing Performance

6 Top Influencer and Affiliate Use Cases for Mobile App Deep Linking

April 3, 2024 |

Influencers and affiliates alike have found success in creating mobile app deep links with us at URLgenius—a gold mine of success mined from previously untapped potential. In fact, our friends who’ve signed up with us have garnered anywhere from three to … Read More

How to Generate Target Retail QR Codes to Open the App

February 20, 2024 |

Target Plus Marketplace has been making a very big name for itself in the e-commerce world in recent years. In fact, the retail giant has been proving itself a worthy contender in the face of competitors such as Amazon and Walmart.

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URLgenius Is Your Passport To Multi-Language QR Codes and Social Media Campaigns

November 28, 2023 |

Create single QR code that can immediately routes your customer to the right localized website or app that corresponds with their preferred language preference! Yes, I’m talking about one intelligent QR code that contains logic within it that instantly sends your user to the right location. Create your multi-language QR code in minutes and use the scanning data to enhance your first-party data strategies.Read More

Influencer Q&A: Tara Thueson Increases Prime Day Commissions By 9x with App Deep Links

August 25, 2023 |

One thing that all of our Amazon influencers have in common is that they sure do love online shopping! Tara is no exception and got her start as an influencer in 2019 after she sold her clothing business. It seemed to … Read More

How DTC Brands Can Generate Marketplace App Links to Measure Sales from Social Media

March 27, 2023 |

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) e-commerce has proven to be the business model of the 21st century so far, with sales on course to exceed a whopping $213 Billion in the U.S. alone— a figure that’s expected to continue climbing in the years ahead. There seems … Read More

Ready for Takeoff: Dynamic App Linking into Marketplace Apps from Social Media

March 27, 2023 |

Linking into marketplaces and e-commerce apps (Amazon, Walmart, etc.) from social media and other channels is fast becoming one of today’s hottest marketing strategies to increase revenue for brands and commissions for affiliates. One important reason is that today’s ‘app-to-app’ linking technology is … Read More

How to Generate a Custom QR Code to Open an App

January 24, 2023 | | 42 Comments

QR Code to App for Touchless Commerce

In today’s digital age, QR codes have been given a new lease on life, particularly in the realm of mobile apps. With consumers constantly on their phones, QR codes, and mobile apps make for … Read More

How to Generate Amazon Mobile App URLs for PPC Campaigns to Open the App

December 14, 2022 |

If you’re setting a paid search campaign for Amazon you need an app deep link or miss out on measuring sales and engagement for remarketing. In other words, your campaign drives almost zero measurable benefit. That’s why you’re seeing clicks in the Amazon ads console but and no conversion but your overall sales are going up and the your campaign isn’t getting credit. This post shows you how to fix it.Read More