
iOS Archives - App Deep Linking and QR Codes for Amazon, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketers

Top 10 Apps with Free Deep Link and QR Code Support for Marketers in 2022

February 15, 2022 | | 33 Comments

One of the best kept secrets in mobile marketing is that all of the popular social media apps use well-defined URL address “schemes” for key pages inside the mobile apps. These app URL schemes are typically defined for enabling … Read More

Retailers Face a Build or Buy Decision for Omnichannel Deep Linking

July 13, 2015 | | 1 Comment

For those working in the ecommerce world the phrase “deep linking” is a familiar one. It simply means linking to a page deep within a website rather than the home page. Deep linking has always been a key conversion tactic … Read More

App Deep Linking: Making Web Links That Adapt to Mobile Apps

January 21, 2015 | | 3 Comments

Mobile consumers today are spending 88% of their mobile time in apps – and still find it necessary to download another eight apps every single month. If this is true, new strategies and technologies are clearly needed for marketers to successfully engage today’s app-addicted mobile consumer.

One … Read More

Research: How Many Apps Are in Each App Store?

March 5, 2013 | | 16 Comments

UPDATE 9/25/2014: The number of apps in each store continues to rise. Below is an updated chart reflecting the number of apps in each app store as of September 2014. 

Stunning. Yesterday, ABI Research estimated mobile users will download 70 billion apps … Read More

Google’s New iOS Maps App and URL Scheme

December 13, 2012 | | 2 Comments

Google launched the long-awaited, revamped Google Maps App for iPhone/iOS users left wandering, aimlessly (and suffering withdrawal) since iOS6 was released this fall. Yay Google!

Besides restoring iOS users with access to Google’s much more reliable map results, the rebuilt Maps app is … Read More

Google Strips Keyword Data on iOS6 Searches – But Not Android? Not Yet…

September 28, 2012 |

Marketers are starting to hear a new “giant sucking sound.” It’s the sound of vital iPhone and iPad search data being taken from their analytics with each new installation of iOS6.

This development was uncovered here and discussed at Search Engine Land. … Read More

Shh! 5 SEO Secrets to Getting Your Mobile Apps Ranked on Page 1 of Google

December 23, 2011 |

Ever wonder why big brands like Amazon, eBay, or Groupon, have their mobile apps ranked prominently on page 1 of Google, while your bundle of awesomeness remains hidden in the bowels of the App Store and/or Android Market?

Read this … Read More

5 SEO Tips To Get Your Mobile Apps Ranked In Google SERPs

December 23, 2011 |

(Read in entirety at Search Engine Land. Published 2011.)

Retail brands with popular mobile apps are benefiting tremendously this holiday season from prominent mobile app visibility in Google’s organic search results.

Search for Groupon, eBay, Amazon, Target, QVC or … Read More