
Blog - Page 30 of 34 - App Deep Linking and QR Codes for Amazon, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Marketers

The New Link Building: How QR Codes Disrupt More Than URLs

July 25, 2011 |

(Read in entirety at Search Engine Land. Published 2011)

Last month, I introduced the idea that QR codes could disrupt your URL strategy. Today, I’ll complete the theme with examples, and best-practice methods for optimizing QR code URLs. Let me summarize my … Read More

Why QR Codes Could Disrupt Your SEO URL Strategy

July 5, 2011 |

Freshness at Search Engine Land today!

With 1600% year-over-year increase in usage, Quick Response (“QR”), codes are emerging as the preferred 2D barcode format for “hard-linking” offline marketing to the mobile web. What will this mean to the website URLs … Read More

Why QR Codes Will Disrupt Your SEO URL Strategy

June 20, 2011 |

(Read in entirety at Search Engine Land. Published 2011)

SEO has greatly influenced web information architecture over the years, particularly with respect to URL structure. I think we’d all agree, it has long been considered gospel to “optimize” URLs at the … Read More

Are Mobile Apps Killing Your Mobile ROI?

June 7, 2011 |

Freshness over at Search Engine Land!

The apps smartphone users love the most – Facebook, Google Maps, Google Search, Twitter, Yelp, Groupon – all fail to send referrer data into your analytics when users click your “natural” links within these … Read More

RIP Referrer Data! How Mobile Apps Can Kill Your Mobile Metrics

June 6, 2011 |

(Read in entirety at Search Engine Land. Published 2011)

Imagine justifying your PPC budget, if you could no longer track which keywords sent each visitor. Regardless of how successful your program is today, you probably would not think twice about … Read More

Optimizing the Mobile Media Matrix

May 11, 2011 |

Freshness over at Mobile Commerce Daily today!

Smartphones are changing consumer behavior faster, and more significantly, than any technology ever has. What we see emerging for marketers is this “matrix” of mobile media opportunities to optimize. Learn how getting the … Read More

Your Mobile Site May Be A Lot Less Mobile Than You Think

May 9, 2011 |

(Read in entirety at Search Engine Land. Published 2011)

Any smartphone shopper who’s tried to take advantage of the mobile Web will nod incredulously with Google’s recent survey that found 79% of marketers still do not offer mobile-ready content.

For … Read More

Your Mobile Site: Less Mobile Than You Think

May 9, 2011 |

Freshness at Search Engine Land today!

Google says 21% of advertisers have a mobile optimized website. But just how “smart” is your mobile site at properly handling deep page requests from smartphone customers? In this column, I summarize original site … Read More